How to Write Product Descriptions

4 Min. Read

Believe it or not, product descriptions can impact sales. In fact, unclear product information will have the product itself get ignored by consumers – not even a simple title and picture will suffice. This article will look at how to write product descriptions so they stand out and get noticed?

If your product descriptions are lacking, there’s good news: You can fix this easily!

Yes, you can easily turn a bad description of a product into one that sells by taking into account these 6 tips!

Table of Contents

1. Think: Who’s Buying Your Product?

“With many types of consumers to think about, you’ll have to figure out who’s buying your product, or who would be interested in buying it,”

says Donald Martins, an eCommerce blogger at Writinity and Last minute writing.

“The last thing you want is to advertise to a group of people that don’t understand your product. By understanding your target audience, you’ll understand what they like and don’t like, and you’ll be able to explain how your product fits into their lifestyle.”

Of course this is where why your Shopify analytics is just so important, in combination with Conversific it assists you to interpret your data correctly, it provides detailed customer analytics, indeed in many cases it replaces the need for a data analyst entirely.  It provides those insights that are necessary to understand your customers and shows you how to better target customers and how to write better product descriptions that address their interests and needs, segmentation and better targeting all spring from customer analysis and lead to better conversion rates.

2. Don’t Be Tempted To Describe Things

No marketing expert will suggest that you fill a full-page advertisement with writing. In other
words, you don’t have to explain every detail of a product.
For example, if your product is red, lightweight, and compact, then you don’t have to tell
customers those things if they see those things at first glance. Therefore, stick with the
important details, like:

  • Any essential mechanics (like pause button)
  • Any cleaning options
  • The variety of colors available for the product

3. Keep it Short and Sweet

To get potential customers to be interested in your product from the get-go, make your
product description readable in 3 minutes or less. Otherwise, a long-page essay, or a repetitive description, can scare them away. Plus, don’t be afraid to use bullet points to condense and highlight some important points.

4. Talk about the Benefits

As you highlight the important details, be sure to talk about the benefits. In other words, how
can your product help people?

Remember: A product feature is a factual statement about a product, and it provides technical information. Whereas, a product benefit tells how it can improve the buyer’s life – it should convince potential buyers that it’ll improve their lives in ways that are obvious and measurable.

5. Tell a Story

“A good product description tells a story, not just explain how it works,” says Robert Price, a
business writer at Draft beyond and Research papers UK . “When telling a story, it has to speak
to consumers.”
Therefore, the product description must do the following when telling a story:

  • Give all relevant details
  • Convince the buyer of its benefits, AND Tap into their emotions

Why emotions?

“Emotions influence buyer behavior,” adds Price. “Your product description must elicit
emotions by filling in any gaps that potential buyers might have about the product. Therefore, a
mini-story about the product helps you connect with potential buyers on an emotional level
rather than make things transactional and faceless.”
So, when telling a story in your product description, keep these questions in mind:

  • Who originally made this product?
  • What inspired them to make this product?
  • What was the journey of making this product?
  • How would this product look at the buyer’s day-to-day life?

6. Take Advantage Of SEO

Finally, it’s important to think about optimizing your search engine – think about SEO. In
virtually every eCommerce market, there has to be good SEO in place, since it’s the easiest way to attract new customers to your page.

First, you put in the keywords, which are possible search terms that buyers use to find a
particular product. To find keywords, do a quick Google search, and you’ll discover which ones are the most popular.

Plus, be sure to place your keyword(s) in the following areas on your page:

  • Page titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Image tags, AND
  • Product descriptions

While this tip is only a stepping stone for attracting new customers, it’s definitely worth it, because keywords help make your product easier to find by those who are actively seeking your product.


So, now that you know 6 rules in writing bestselling eCommerce product descriptions,
remember to take advantage of these tips as ways to bring your products to consumers, and
and ultimately increase sales. As you can see, your product descriptions shouldn’t push your
product to where someone “has” to buy it. No, a product must be known to improve a
customer’s life. So, if you’re able to sell your product with an exceptional description, then
you’ll see an increase in sales.

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Ashley Halsey

Ashley Halsey is a writer at "Do my assignment" and "Gum essays" . As a professional writer, she has been involved in many projects nationwide. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and fishing with her two children.

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