How E-Mail Marketing Increases Conversion In Each Marketing Funnel Stage

6 Min. Read

Email marketing is a digital marketing technique, which aims to engage new leads, convert these leads to customers and form a permanent, loyal relationship between the company and the customers. The ultimate goal of email marketing is to drive sales through the roof by increasing the conversion rate in each marketing funnel stage.

The marketing funnel is a model, a way of conceptualizing the different stages that people go through. It is used by companies to visualize the process from the moment a person is aware of a product/service to the point this person purchases it.

Funnel Stages

Table of Contents

4 Stages Of Email Marketing Funnel

A successful marketing funnel strategy is the one that focuses on maximizing the conversion rate between every two stages. As such, marketers need a powerful, adaptive tool to ensure the effectiveness of the said strategy. Email marketing is the best tool a marketer can use to maximize the positive results of a marketing funnel strategy.

For this article, we’ll divide the relation of email marketing and the marketing funnel into four main stages.

Utilizing Awareness

The first stage of the marketing funnel is raising awareness regarding your brand. Unless your brand is one of the widely known, then you should engage and increase brand awareness. A first good step is to always send a welcoming email to your prospective customers. However, this is not the stage to go too strong on your new leads. You shouldn’t try to give them too much information, specific products, and their features, rather than a generic welcoming email.

Finding the proper free email marketing service is crucial to guarantee the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. Based on your company’s needs, an email marketing service can provide you everything you need to personalize your campaigns, send automated emails and create targeted audiences.

Your welcoming email should pave the way for your leads to move on to the next phase of the funnel. When someone registers an email address, after visiting your website or viewing one of your advertisements, it means that they are interested in your company to a certain extent. As such, it is the best time to leverage their curiosity about what you offer and call them to search for more. As UXPressia has done with this welcoming email, you should provide something unique, fun and a clear Call-To-Action (CTA).


Driving Interest

After your new leads have entered your email marketing funnel, you should keep giving them food for thought to keep them interested. The first welcoming email is a good way to start, but then you should try to be creative with your email campaigns. Based on your segmentation and targeted audiences, you can send personalized emails that deliver specific information about your company and products. Besides that, you can send newsletters for your newest blog articles, alternative uses of your products/services and opinion articles about trends of your niche.

By keeping interaction with your leads on a regular, but not overwhelming, basis, you’ll manage to establish your company as an expert. Your subscribers will start expecting your emails to get educated and feel that being a “part” of your email lists is beneficial. For example, TheWiseMarketer sent this email a few days ago, which provides research material and up-to-date information, regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rewards Most Important Part of Loyalty

Boosting Consideration

Now that you have managed to create a relationship with your leads, you should work towards boosting their consideration of your brand specifically for all the benefits you offer. To do that, you need to be very careful towards properly and effectively personalizing your email campaigns.

This is the only time that you can act as a “salesman” and provide product-related information to your audience. Send specific product recommendations, discounts, and limited-time offers, always personalizing your email campaigns. This personalization can increase your conversion rates by 25%, as it is mentioned by ChaosMap.

Increasing Conversion

This is the most important part of your email marketing campaigns, increasing your conversion rates and grow your sales. Everything has to work together perfectly to push your leads into buying your services and products. Your content, copy, visual graphics, CTA and landing page should be designed to drive your prospect customer towards your goal.

As such, you should ensure that your content is specific and clear. The visual aspects of your email are simple, clear and focus on your CTA button. At this point, you should add more than one CTA button, which does not contradict each other but support each other. After clicking this button, your landing page should be highly relevant and make it simple for everyone to proceed.

Principles Of Email Marketing Campaigns

It was mentioned earlier, but we have to make clear that creating, designing and executing email marketing campaigns has specific principles. As such, you should make sure that your campaigns are based on segmentation, personalization, automation, and timing.

If you have found and chosen the right email marketing service, then you will be able to add all features, segmentation criteria and personalized campaigns you need. Then, you’ll have the opportunity to target specific audiences that do not fall into a specific marketing funnel stage but are somewhere in the between.

A major problem for marketers are people that abandon their shopping carts. This group has considered your company’s offer, and right before converting, something happened. But this is not game over for you. You can use an email campaign targeted for these people, just like Bearsville Soap Company has done.

Bearsville Soap Company

Also, following these principles will allow you to increase customer retention, brand advocacy, and your customer loyalty program. By personalizing your audiences, you will be able to send specific campaigns to loyal customers that trust your brand and provide them something extra. Such actions will make them feel unique, appreciated and be an active advocate of your brand.

Especially if your company is user-generated based, then being there with them is significant. A well-known example is TripAdvisor, which is a role-model for “thank you” emails and loyalty email campaigns.


Final Thoughts

Having a proper email marketing funnel strategy will give your company everything you want. Greater awareness, increased consideration, more conversions. Make sure that you monitor your email address for what is being said around the web, as it will help you to evaluate your overall customer relations management system.

Segmenting your email subscription list will allow you to personalize email campaigns and successfully deliver to future and current customers what they need. Keep providing everyone what they want and eventually, you will be rewarded with their first, second and hundredth purchase.

So, what do you think? How would you divide the email marketing funnel stages to make your campaigns more effective?  If you are interested in how to use Moosend for eCommerce please watch the video below.

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Christoforos Zafeiris

Christoforos Zafeiris

Christoforos Zafeiris works as the SEO Copywriter for the email marketing software company Moosend. He has always been eager to change the narrative and influence trends with his words; thus, copywriting is the only natural choice for him. Besides that, he has been an enthusiast of human communication, long walks, and emotional storytelling.

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